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On a Monday morning, as we sat at our desks thinking about putting up something exciting for you to read, some answers… It was not long until we had an ‘Aha’ moment.

We decided to start a conversation with you on Facebook and ask ‘Why do you dance?’. 

A simple question, we know, but one that can tell you a lot about someone. Oh boy and we were curious to see your answers… ‘Who are the people that follow our page? How are they connected to dance?’ Luckily, some of you were eager to give us your answers. We needed to get to know more of you, on a personal level.

As we started reading the answers, we soon realized how colorful and diverse are the motifs and the vibes behind each comment. And…we were a bit naughty and decided to play a bit with your comments by imagining what type of person is sitting behind that computer screen.

Disclaimer: We’re not trying to put anyone in a box and it’s all in good fun.. Take everything with a pinch of salt.

Here’s What We Came Up With After Reading Your Answers

1. The Hippie

The grown-up child who’s always looking for a hint of good in everyone. Such a fountain of youth and joy. Free as the morning sun on the dancefloor, they have a live-and-let-live attitude and can see things others cannot see. Connected to the world around, they use their imagination and love improvising on the fly in dance.

Sue: It’s my happy

Joanne: It makes the soul happy!!

Denise: Dance and music = life. It relaxes me …it makes me feel more beautiful and feminine…and it makes me high

Carlo: I will want to fly with the music and smiling!

2. The Freedom Seekers

Like the flowers in spring, they pierce through the sorrows as they were snow. They have a strong independent streak and they break the chains of limitations. They are no fighters but they are resilient in the face of hardship. Nothing can bring them down. Dance is their freedom connector.

Manon: When I dance I feel like I can become who I want and what I want. Dancing is my freedom.

Mmatli: I feel free on the dance floor. All my pain and stress evaporates when um the floor. It is my life without it um lifeless. That’s why I dance.

3. The Shakespearean

Their reality is poetry. Life is a drama; each encounter has a deep meaning. The way they drink their tea or coffee is already a masterpiece. They speak in metaphors and can see the hidden messages. Dance is their endless poem, with words that intertwine like steps and rhymes that wrap up letters with the energy of an overflowing musicality river.

Georgia: I dance = I live

Elsa: To dream when I’m not sleeping.

Ozanreyhan: Why do you breathe?

De Klerk Fourie: To dance is to live

4. The Warrior

Like a Phoenix that rises from his own ashes, they are unstoppable. They have a strong sense of justice and anything that violates those values is right in the line of fire. They bring their heartbeat to the dance, and without them, it’s a flat-line. The crusader, the samurai, the Robin Hood, the Jeanne d’Arc, the fierce dancer. Cue up some music and prepare for the knockdown!

Deb: Simple really. I just love it. Makes me feel as if I could conquer the world. Xx

5. The Zen Master

They are the people that meditate upon connections in the universe around them.

Came to this world so that we could bask in their light and wisdom. The winds of harmony and balance are always blowing on the dance floor they’re stepping on. They are definitely the yin to our yang.

Marina: I had a lot of problems in my head when I started. But in the process of dancing, you need to concentrate on the “here and now” moment – it’s like meditation. Slowly I realized that all problems are illusions and only the reality is important where there are solved difficulties. And when I am dancing – I’m happy to be 😉

Zornitsa: Because when I dance I feel happy, I enjoy the music and I make the emotion of music really alive with the dance and every negative thinking, problems and stress go out of my head.

Tamara: Dancing has been my life for over 15 years, when I started dancing at 4 years old I never had a clue that it would mean so much to me. Dancing is my life, my passion, and my true love. It sets me free from reality and helps me express emotions that I don’t have the words to describe. When struggling with my depression it helped me release all my anger, sadness and hurt. Dancing is the reason I live today. It makes my heart and soul come alive and I feel like I can accomplish anything. I am primarily a ballroom Latin and classical dancer but throughout the years I have trained in many other disciplines and experienced emotions and love like never before. Without dance I am nothing!

6. The Funny Guy

Here’s the bubbly and fun loving type of the bunch. Verbally skillful and quirky at times, the audience can feel their charisma from miles away. They are offbeat and know how to put the smile on your face in seconds. They are the cream to our Oreo.

Roland: so I am not at home.

7. The United World Visionary

Committed to a better tomorrow they have more magic in their hands than Houdini. Bringing out others’ talents and skills, they have the personal magnetism that leaves everyone speechless and able to let the guard down and enjoy the dance.

Raymond: It brings people together and when you are on the dance floor it feels great!!

Alan: Dancing is a wonderful way to keep fit physically and mentally. I have met some wonderful people who have become great friends. The dance world is an amazing place. It’s a place where two people become one.

9. The Artist

The artists love to express their unique, individual self through movement. They are a bit other-worldly, dancing is their art and they are honoring it at the highest level. They give to dance their 100%, no half measures, no excuses. You better measure up to them!

Elizabeth: Dance is to show you are an artist in expressing your love and passion

Bernhard: To dance give me time to feel free and the chance to create a moment of beauty for my own and those who see me and my lady dancing on the dancefloor.

Amy: Our body is a tool to express our feeling, to reveal our soul, to deliver beauty and to communicate with others. God gave me this body, I want to utilize it to its best. Dance allows me to simply accomplish that and happy.

10. The Love Igniter

Cupid’s got nothing on them! They and their partner feed off each other. They believe in kindred spirits and they found a common space on the dance floor. And that’s what keeps them together on the dance floor: love is their technique.

Phil: I did not start dancing until I was 60 now it’s everything to me and my wife just can’t get enough, now doing a demonstration (Argentine Tango) in 2 weeks time, do wish we had started years ago

Janis: To keep fit what better exercise for us (I am 68 my husband is 80). We rekindled our love of dancing in retirement it gives us an even more special connection. We have also made wonderful friends through dance.

11. The Pragmatic

They are rarely shaken and they work towards what they want steadily, regardless of distractions. The pragmatics have spacial awareness, reflexes, reaction time, and presence in the moment and use them to their advantage on the dancefloor. You hear their partner say to them: ‘You are the Han Solo to my Leia’. Yes, they can take to other galaxies through their dance moves.

Sherine: It started as a weekend activity then it became a hobby and now I am just loving it! (ㆁωㆁ*)

Lene: Dance is my therapy. I get exercise and it makes me happy.

Doris: Dancing is passion. You enjoy the dance and at the same time exercise. Keeps you fit mentally n physically.

Elizabeth: Dancing changes my attitudes lots, it helps me feel more happy and joyful.

John: dancing keeps my muscles and bones smooth

Gingerhead_online: Dancing makes my brain work

danyruxoI dance: because this is my outburst

Mahenintsoa Andria: It makes me feel better and happy..the more dancing I do, the healthier I am..I wish I had danced since my childhood

Marjolein: Because when I started dancing it was the first time ever I felt like I found a sport I actually was good at.. It clears my mind and relieves a lot of stress. It is the perfect combination of sports and beauty (I mean look at the elegance of it and the beautiful dresses) it’s the best thing in the world.

12. The Lover

They are seducers in their movement. These modern Romeos and Juliets make their love vows through dance, every step, and eye contact is a testimony of intimacy. Be grateful that you are witnessing their love.

Kieren: Because there’s noone else I’d rather dance with. Thank you, Ally Pickering!

13. The Family guy/girl

Their life without dance is like a car with no wheels. And not only do they carry that loyalty to dance but they also pass it on, from generation to generation. Why? Because some things are timeless and some memories are priceless.

Agnieszka: Dancing always was a missing puzzle of my soul. There are no words to describe how I feel when I dance. Apart from having my girls nothing else gave me such happiness as dance is giving me. I can’t and won’t live without it. I’m lucky to be able to share this passion with my little girl and it gave us such a strong, unimaginable bond! I love it with all my heart and soul!!!!!

14. The Perceptionist

They are sensorial and absorb their choreographies, they need to dance. Of course they feel it on their skin, in their soul, it’s an itch they cannot escape. They get lost in the rhythms, and the endless hours of going forward and backward, to the left and to the right, in circular motions, in labyrinths of steps. You can see they are connected to it all. They dance to feel and they feel to dance.

Kah Yeong Teo: It’s my passion…

Mona_k01: I love dancing because it makes me feel relief, this is what I want to do my whole life, I just love dancing and I hope I never quit

Jorea: It’s my life

Catherine: it’s my passion…

Adriana: Just feel the rhythm…

Helga: For the same reason I breathe………to live. Wished I could have started much younger with ballroom though

Mariafe: Cuz my soul loves it

Marine: To feel good: vibrations, music, smile, moments. Feeling really alive!

15. The Motivation Seeker

Always in the quest to encourage themselves and others to put in the best work and be the best version of themselves. They can’t think of anything they can’t achieve if they put their mind to it.

They are the ones that climb the Kilimanjaro, who explore the Amazonian forest, or who simply have been jogging every morning or playing chess Sunday afternoons without a break, with the same joy they did 20 years ago. Yes, they will always want to get better at dancing, no matter what age!

Karolina: Earlier I was thinking that dance is not for me but today I dance every day, when I dance, my problems look not that serious, dancing helps me be positive, it helps me to learn something new… Dance gives me motivation… When I dance, I feel like I can do anything. After dance classes, my homework looks easier. I can’t live without dance now… It’s like my only true friend.

Geri: I love it. It gives me a goal to work for it keeps me vital and fit. It’s all positives in our lives both me and my husband. Also keeps me thinking about choreographed steps to remember dance is wonderful!

Lea: The first time I saw amateur and professional dancers on Dance Sport, I said, I want to look like that, my friend who was watching with me said, if you want to look like that you have to do what they do. And 15 years later I’m completely hooked. I started for fitness and I keep going because I adore it and cannot imagine a life without it.

16. The Questioner

They are wanderers and are drawn to unknowns. They don’t analyze things beforehand, they just bump into them. Sometimes they don’t don’t know exactly how they ended up in one place but they are lucky to stumble upon the most beautiful things in life by chance. And, oh boy, do they take advantage of it!

Szabolcs: I don’t know. I just love it. I want to do since I was 6. But I couldn’t manage during that period. Was too expensive. So I enjoy now as much as possible and as long as I can.

Sadie: My partner wanted me to start dancing with him at university as I had done other types of dancing I said no at first then his partner hurt her foot. He asked if I would come to one lesson and then I never left. I do not regret a second of it!

17. The Philosopher

The philosophers quickly see patterns and love to solve complex puzzles. They ponder upon things and examine them with an overboard curiosity. They have a mental eye-glass through which they can read things from a distance better than anyone else. Quick thinking master minds indeed, but remember: they see everything through a prism of passion and emotion.

Roxana: Dancing is like walking, only better because it’s triggered by the music while walking, by the brain. Dancing is who we really are!! Some want to find that out, some others live without ever knowing!!

You’ve reached the end of the list, we hope you enjoyed it and had a bit of a laugh…they are your answers after all 🙂 Maybe some of you actually felt like we got it right with our description or some of you might think we couldn’t have been further than the truth. Either way, let us know what do you think. See you in the comment section!

Want to hang up a poster on your wall to serve you as a daily reminder of the reasons you dance? We got you and we deliver internationally. Check the poster with your OWN eyes.

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