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Frederic Mosa is one of the most sought after teachers and adjudicators in the WDSF Latin world, coaching top Latin couples. In his lecture at the Master Evolution Training Camp that you can find on Dancesportlife Academy, he is showing you with the help of Andrea Silvestri & Marina Varadi the importance of details in our art.

In Frederic’s vision, there are three important details that can completely change a couple for the better. These three components of dancing are crucial if you want to make your art memorable.

1. The signature move

The first thing that Frederic Mosa urges you to think about is how to make your dance unique. And one way of doing that is by trying to find your signature move.

Just think and imagine special things: unexpected movements or rhythms! You can create these signature movements by thinking about what you would like to produce, what emotions you want to show.

Many great couples, if not all of them, have one move in their routines that you can recognize as theirs. One of these couples is Andrea Silvestri & Marina Varadi. In Frederic’s lecture, they showcase how they change a simple step in rumba into their signature movement. You can see this movement at the Bucharest Grand Slam from last year, at 01:18.

2. The musicality

For the second component, Frederic demonstrates through some different pieces of music and with the help of Andrea Silvestri & Marina Varadi how different a dance can be if the couple has no musicality. Therefore we can guide you towards his lecture on our platform to convince yourself what impacts it has.

3. The connection in the partnership

The last, but certainly not the least detail: connection. Dancesport is based on the connection between partners. In the end, that is the beauty of this sport – the magic that happens when two people are dancing together as one.

Through the connection, we can respect the process of action and reaction. We discuss, use, and feel each other.”
– Frederic Mosa –

Also with the help of Andrea & Martina, Frederic points out how chaotic and senseless a piece of routine can be if the partners are not connected. Even though the technique is on point.

With his lesson, Frederic wants to leave you thinking about the artistry of dancesport: what you would like to show and what you would like to express.

If you are also curious about Andrea Silvestri & Marina Varadi’s story, you can listen to our interview here.



Author DSL

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