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Whether you have just started to dance, or been doing that for years, it is inevitable that you ask yourself: is it worth it? We all know that dance takes a lot of sacrifice in terms of both commitment and money. So, it’s important to have a passion for it.

You know how successful people say that you have to do what you are passionate about because that’s the only way to push through tough times? They’re speaking the truth. Whether you want to be a professional dancer or a dance teacher (or both), you need to invest time, money and effort. And of course, tough times will creep in – they always do.

If you are serious about following your dream, one thing is for sure – you will question yourself often enough and go back and forth with things, that those around you (read: people you love and trust the most) will think you went crazy.

This article is for those of you who need a boost of faith and motivation, as well as some practical tips so as to help you be the best you can be. I hope that you will find it useful and that you will dance your fears and doubts away.

Don’t Listen To Your Friends and Family

The first thing you NEED to do is stop listening to those around you who aren’t supportive. Like with any other person on this planet who firmly believes in their dream, you shouldn’t expect the support from those who you love the most. Yep, we know – that sounds terrible.

Now, you will probably be confused, mad and will ask yourself what the heck is wrong with your loved ones. Why don’t they support you and think that you can become a professional dancer/teacher. Believe it or not, there is nothing personal to it.

See, your friends and family love you and they want you to be happy. And according to the vast majority of people that means getting a college degree, finding a secure job, having kids and, if possible, having a decent salary.

But, you have to separate yourself from your environment, no matter how hard it can be (and trust me, it can). The vast majority of people are ordinary. And I don’t mean anything bad by it. It is just how it is.

Now, the fact alone that you turned to dance and you are crazy about it proves that you are on the wrong or right path (depending on how you look at it). Meaning, for your loved ones you are on the wrong path and you are a fool for taking too much risk with your career and everything else that makes sense in your life. But, you know (or at least your intuition knows) that you are on the right path. So, you have to stay true to yourself and follow your gut feeling.

Whenever you’re in doubt, dance. That is the only way to never stop believing in yourself and your skills, regardless of what those around you say.

Now, don’t be naive and think that you only have to believe in yourself and your dream and everything else will follow through. There are lots of other things you need to do, and you’ll read about that in seconds. But, to succeed, you first need to have faith in yourself.

Set Your Goals

Another thing you need to do is set your goals. Decide how much you want to train, how you want to structure your training, and of course, what you want to achieve.

Perhaps you want to compete in a few years. Maybe you want to become a dance teacher and open your studio one day. Clearly, you cannot know for sure where you will be in a few years because things can change. But, setting your 1-month, 6-months, 1-year and 5-years (MAYBE) goals will definitely steer you in the right direction.

Be Consistent

So you set your most important goals and priorities, and now what? You have to plan your schedule and find the time to do things each day that will bring you one step closer to your goal.

For example, if you want to learn the Rumba, you have to practice figure eight, balance, turns, and steps. You also have to practice your connection with your partner. And you need to do all that while dancing to the rhythm.

So, commit every day to improving those areas and before you know it – you will dance the Rumba in a much better way. I think you get the point – you need to plan your training based on what you want to achieve. And most importantly, to stick to that plan and be consistent.

Don’t Forget To Enjoy

As already mentioned, dance requires time, effort, and money. That is if you really want to succeed. More often than not, you get overwhelmed with all the figures, steps, and techniques you need to do, knowing that there is so much to learn (this is true even if you are a world champion, so keep on practicing). This being said, it is easy to get into a state of exhaustion due to a lot of training and forget how much you are passionate about dance and your dream.

To avoid this happen, there is one thing you should do – remind yourself to enjoy. Even though this seems like a no brainer, dancers often forget to enjoy themselves during training, because they want to give their best. But, it is okay to stop for a moment and take some time to breathe and relax.

Focus on the feeling you have when you dance, and you will feel much better!

Dance, Dance, Dance

The last thing that I found useful to keep my passion on a high level and to keep me motivated is to dance. And by saying that, I don’t mean on getting more hours of training. I really mean – to dance.

Just turn on your favorite music and lose yourself in the music. Sing if you have to and if you have understanding neighbors. Allow yourself to move your body freely because this will remind you of the reason you started dancesport in the first place.

And there you have it – ways to keep believing that what you do is worthy. I hope this article was helpful to you, and that you will soon get back to work. Because actions are far more important than words.

Keep On Dancing!

Photography: hksportsfinder


Author DSL

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