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The coronavirus pandemic is hitting us all across the globe. Of course, the dancing world is also affected by these troublesome times. Quarantine has us all stuck in our homes without the opportunity to do what we love most: to DANCE!

Usually, we don’t realize how much we love something until we no longer have it. In this same way, quarantine has shown us what we love and miss most about dancing. But we’re all in this together, so we asked you what you miss most about dancing during this quarantine.

Some of the most popular responses were friends, teachers, and partners. Many miss competing and all that comes with it—even the smell! All these answers are completely relatable to those of us who love dancing.

Here is what quarantine makes us miss about dancing:

Competing with my best friends 😭
Miss my training, my trainer, and the feeling of the dancefloor when starting moving on the slow waltz music 💔💔😿
Miss my dance teacher, hairspray smell, competitions.
I really miss Blackpool competition 😭
My daughter misses training with her partner, trainers, and friends.🌺
Miss my dance peeps! They’re the best 😃
I had a dream about an international competition last night.
Miss my dance partner…
The chemistry on the floor when we look to each other on a comp before the dance starts… And the rides to and back from a comp or show. Sharing emotions…
Miss the dance family.
Dancing friends!!!!
Making photos of all the dancers, adjudicators, masters of ceremony, audiences and all the little things on and on the dancefloor and on the side of it.
I really miss teaching my dance students!!
My Partners!
Dance parties!
We miss the hairspray smell from competitions🥺….being tired because of the school and training💔
Competitions & traveling.
Getting ready to go to dance class in the studio.
Dancing, meeting my coaches, being in comps with a lot of people who love the same thing.
Samba & Paso.
I miss the smell! How the whole competition just has this sweat, dress, hairspray, shoes vibe and smell LOL.
My team.
The atmosphere & my studio ⚡️
I miss sleeping on the bus back after a long day of competing. I miss the anticipation to see who’s called back on the floor after a round. I miss engaging with the crowd in the final round. I especially miss watching dancers who are so much better than me in person.
When you’re at the prize presentation, 2 couples left, “And the second place goes to……”
Two things: The feeling you get while dancing and my instructor/my studio family.
Our Coach and our teachers to physically be with us. ❤️
My partner.
Dancing with my partner, learning & improving.
Our home & international teachers.
My coach, the wonderful smell, and the walk in sigh of happiness when I enter my studio 🙂
My dancing buddies.
The feeling when you enter in the dancing hall… 🤗
I miss the feeling of purpose, working towards something that brings me joy.
The feeling when you dance that nothing else matters that moment! ❤️❤️❤️
That moment between heats that you are with your friends preparing for the next dance, that is awesome!

Remember that even while we are stuck in our houses, we can still continue to educate ourselves online. Dancesportlife Academy offers a library of online courses.



Author DSL

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